Africa Day 2024: Honouring Our Past, Building Our Future

Written by: Esosa Otu

Maria from Tech4Dev
3 min readMay 25, 2024

Ubuntu“I am because we are”. This slogan perfectly showcases the spirit of Africa day honouring our past and our future. It is no news that May 25th is a special day set aside every year to celebrate Africa Day. This day not only showcases the importance of unity, solidarity, but also the freedom for all African nations. It provides a platform to raise awareness and foster appreciation for the many contributions Africa has made to the world.

Historical Context of Africa Day

Africa Day traces its origins back to May 25, 1963, when the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was formed. This was a monumental step toward achieving greater unity and cooperation among African countries. In 2002, the OAU transitioned into the African Union (AU), continuing its mission to promote unity and development across the continent. Over the years, Africa Day has evolved from a continental celebration to a global event, recognised and celebrated by African diaspora communities around the world.

Theme and Focus Area for Africa Day 2024

Each year, Africa Day focuses on a specific theme. This year, the theme is “Celebrating Past Success While Building Towards the Future.” This theme emphasises the importance of acknowledging Africa’s achievements while striving for future growth and development. Key focus areas include economic development, political unity, social and cultural identity, and environmental sustainability.

Impact of Celebrating Africa Day

Africa Day has a significant social and cultural impact, promoting African heritage and identity. It fosters unity among African nations and the diaspora, highlighting economic growth and challenges, and encouraging political solidarity and cooperation. The day serves as a reminder of the potential and promise of Africa and the need to create opportunities for growth, especially in the digital age.

At Tech4dev, we are proud to be digital superheroes, especially as we join in celebrating Africa Day. Driven by a mission to empower Africans through digital skills training and advocacy, Tech4Dev is paving the way for access to decent work and entrepreneurship. By equipping individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive in the digital landscape, Tech4Dev is driving economic prosperity and sustainable development across Africa.

Through programs like Women Techsters, Tech4Dev is transforming lives and reshaping the tech ecosystem in Africa and beyond. Since launching the program in Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa in 2021, Tech4Dev has expanded its reach to 17 more African countries, impacting over 190,000 direct beneficiaries.

The future of Africa Day looks promising, with a vision of expanding global participation and awareness. Potential initiatives include partnerships with international organisations and greater engagement with youth and diaspora communities. By focusing on these areas, Africa Day can continue to play a vital role in shaping Africa’s future.

Therefore, on this Africa Day, let us unite in solidarity and celebration, acknowledging the incredible progress achieved by organisations, institutions, and governments in building a brighter future for all Africans. Together, we can continue to advocate for empowerment, innovation, and opportunities for Africans.

We are doing our part to promote a positive narrative about Africa, and we encourage you to join us!

Happy Africa Day!



Maria from Tech4Dev

We are a non-profit social enterprise that creates access to decent work and entrepreneurship opportunities and platforms for Africans through digital skills.