Tech4Dev Community: A Lifeline in the Ever-Changing Tech World

Maria from Tech4Dev
4 min readNov 8, 2023


My name is Toluwanimi Abioye, and I’m currently a student at Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, majoring in Physiotherapy. Alongside my academic pursuits, I have a deep love for Product Design.

One of the core aspects of who I am is my strong desire to help people. Whether it’s through my studies in Physiotherapy, creating user-friendly designs, or supporting my community, I find immense fulfilment in making a positive impact in the lives of others. My family is my greatest motivation, and I have ambitious aspirations to leave a lasting mark in the tech world while continuing to assist and empower those around me.

I got into tech in 2020 during the pandemic, but it was during the ASUU strike in 2022 that I really became motivated. Seeing how our education system could be disrupted made me realize the importance of taking control of my own future. Technology and Product Design, specifically became my path because I saw them as ways to make a positive impact and create opportunities even when faced with challenges.

I first learned about Tech4Dev through my brother, who introduced me to one of their monthly Bootcamps in 2022. That one-month experience was profound and left a lasting impression on me. Inspired by what I learned, I applied for the Women Techsters Fellowship program and was fortunate to be selected. It felt like a dream come true because it was the perfect opportunity for me to dive deeper into tech. The training exceeded my expectations, although it was challenging, and there were moments when I doubted if I could complete the six-month program. However, the support and encouragement from my colleagues provided me with the strength to persevere. In the end, I emerged from the program stronger and more confident in my tech skills.

Tech4Dev has played a pivotal role in propelling my career forward! Both the technical and soft skills training is unique, and I don’t believe I could have received it elsewhere. And what’s even more incredible is that they didn’t stop at just training — they built a vibrant community that I’m forever grateful to be a part of. I had the privilege to work alongside brilliant minds from all over Africa and soak in wisdom from global experts. It’s been such a priceless experience.

My journey in tech has been quite a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve always been drawn to challenging adventures, and my time in the Women Techsters Fellowship only intensified that drive. Being part of a community of accomplished women who defied numerous obstacles inspired me to push even harder. One of the moments I’m most proud of was during our final project when we presented our project work. The positive feedback and recognition from judges and fellow participants felt like a validation of all the hard work and dedication I had put into it. It made me realize that I was on the right path and motivated me to continue pursuing my passion in Product Design.

One of the significant challenges I’ve encountered on my tech journey is the constant evolution and rapid pace of the tech industry. While pursuing my studies in Physiotherapy, I’ve also been dedicated to building my career in tech. The ever-changing nature of design presents a constant challenge. Balancing academic commitments with keeping up in the tech world has been demanding, but it’s a challenge I’m determined to overcome.

One of the absolute highlights of the training for me was the Tech Girls Drive community project. It was such a fulfilling experience to engage with young girls, inspiring them to pursue STEM-related careers, and being a role model, they could look up to. These moments, facilitated by Tech4Dev, were truly priceless, and I absolutely loved being a part of it. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that I could make a positive impact in this way.

Tech4Dev truly went the extra mile in curating an exceptional team for their programs. The dedication and commitment of the trainers and facilitators were remarkable. I have particularly fond memories of my main facilitator, Miss Monaya Mohammad Algharib, who consistently demonstrated patience, respect, and professionalism throughout the training.

I’m currently working as a Product Design Intern at Snark Health. In my role, I’m actively involved in various aspects of the Product Design process. This includes collaborating with cross-functional teams to create user-centric interfaces, conducting user research and testing to refine our designs, and contributing to the overall user experience of our digital products. It’s an exciting opportunity to apply my skills and learning from Tech4Dev to real-world projects.

I’m really excited about the future. I plan to leverage the knowledge and skills I gained during the Women Techsters Fellowship training to continue growing in the field of product design. Having secured an internship, I aspire to take on challenging projects, collaborate with diverse teams, and keep pushing the boundaries of my creativity. I also aim to stay connected with the Tech4Dev community, as it’s been an invaluable source of support and inspiration.

Starting a career in technology can be incredibly rewarding. My advice for anyone looking to kickstart their journey in this field is to stay curious and embrace learning. Technology is constantly evolving, so being adaptable and open to new knowledge is crucial.



Maria from Tech4Dev

We are a non-profit social enterprise that creates access to decent work and entrepreneurship opportunities and platforms for Africans through digital skills.